Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you believe? The Skinny Bob/Roswell theory

Well do you?   
 “The Skinny Bob/Roswell theory”
For many years we have spotted Unidentified flying object(s) “UFO's” and when someone tells of it as a “UFO” the first thing that comes to mind is out of this world “ALIEN” objects, but can anyone truly say that what they saw or may have seen is infact something from another world(s). 

To bring this to the table we must first think of the most famous “UFO” sighting and crash in North American history “ROSWELL” and for those who have never heard of the Roswell sighting or crash, on July 7th 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, USA an airborne object was seen flying threw the sky and crashed in a nearby ranch, to this day no one can pacifically and truly say what happened or what was seen on the ranch sceptics say that the airborne object was really a weather balloon from a top secret air force mission “project mogul” but for many (Including myself) a question remains WHY? Would the American air force reveal the workings of a (and I quote) top secret project?. (Project Mogul down below)

                       (Roswell UFO)
                                                                             (Weather Balloon)

For many years people have claimed to have seen a body or body’s taken from the “craft” one storey is that the “driver” of the craft was already dead another story is that the driver lived to be known as the famous Skinny Bob     

                                                                      (Skinny Bob)

                                                               (Dead Roswell Alien)
                                                   Skinny Bob on video (Real or NOT?)


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Do you believe ?

                                                        UFOs and Us 

  for hundreds of years we as humans have been told that we were created by a God or Gods and that the first humans were Adam and Eve, But have we ever sat down and gave it some thought that we may have been pleased here by beings from another plant(s) of course we have been made by a  Higher power but if you look deep deep in history and mythology from around the world you can see that these so call Gods could have easily been other beings from another world(s), so it can easily be so that we have been placed here by Aliens and that we have historical Alien backgrounds SO PEOPLE PLEASE GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT and don't listen to  what these so call religions have to tell or answer our questions about creation. They only reason that people all over the planet have seen ufo's is because there here to watch us and check on us for protection, They love us and want better for us "Like the government want us to know that". 
                                                                    (Look closely)